Recommended Chiropractors

We asked on Instagram, you answered! Chiropractor recommendations around Cleveland.

**** the number designates the number of recommendations

Arcade Chiropractic - Downtown Cleveland

  • Dr. Greg Kempf - Chiropractor to the Cleveland Browns and Cavs

Chiro C.L.E - Willoughby

  • Dr. Sara Rimes

Chiromax - Twinsburg (2)

Chiropractic Spine Center - Brunswick

  • Dr. Nicholas Cambouris

Cleveland Chiropractic, Inc - Willoughby

  • Dr. Jeffery Przybysz

Cleveland Chiropractic & Integrative Health Center - Brecksville

Concord Chiropractic, Inc - Mentor

  • Dr. James Loncar

Cleveland Clinic - Lakewood

The Drugless Doctors - Westlake

Duncan Chiropractic - Strongsville

Explore Family Chiropractic - Aurora

Dr. Emily Forsgren - Lakewood

  • Recommendation states especially for pre/post-natal care

Fresh Start Chiropractor - Avon

  • Dr. Amanda Zimmerman

Gentner Chiropractic and Wellness - Lakewood

Great Lakes Health and Wellness - Westlake & Ohio City (3)

  • Dr. Andy Ingram (Cleveland)

  • Dr. Ariana Stolar (Westlake)

The Healthiest You - Strongsville

  • Dr. Maximillian Zart

HealthSource Chiropractic - Rocky River

The Highland Wellness Center - Highland Heights

Hunter Chiropractic and Wellness Center- Warrensville Heights (2)

Inspired Chiropractic & Wellness - Lakewood (2)

Lake Spine Specialists - Mentor (2)

  • Dr. Tom Lemire

Modern Chiropractic & Wellness - Fairview Park

  • Dr. Mark Petro

NEO Spine and Sport - Solon

  • Dr. Tim Keyes

Optimal Spine and Wellness - Twinsburg

  • Dr. Paul Bizjak

Optimum Health Chiropractic - Brunswick

Paramount Chiropractic - Westlake

Precision Active Health - Woodmere

Rivers Edge Chiropractic - Mayfield

  • Dr. Sullivan

University Hospitals Connor Whole Health - Rocky River and Beachwood

Shaker Women’s Wellness - Beachwood

Watson Wellness - Amherst

Haley G.

Haley has always loved reviewing locations and being in the know about the best neighborhoods, restaurants, and events in Cleveland. This passion fuels each guide and article she creates for The Cleveland Bucket List. She hopes you enjoy her stories and guides and get inspired to create an adventure of your own!


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