We’ll build you a custom Itinerary for your Cleveland trip.
Are you tired of planning where to go during your trip?
Are you stuck sitting around half of your vacation just looking through yelp & trying to make a decision?
Do you want to make sure you don’t just walk into the first restaurant you see?
Then our itinerary planning is for you! Choose your trip duration and we’ll curate an itinerary just for you.
Our prices vary based on the number of people in your party and your expected stay length. One-day itineraries start at $25 for Cleveland. Click the links above to learn more about our options + feel free to reach out if you need additional help.
Great question! You are responsible for coordinating all travel and hotel stays. We’ll just plan out each day of your trip. We’ll give you spots to eat, activities to do, and things to see around whichever city you visit in a single list that’s perfect for using on your phone. We’ll also provide you with a google map list of all the spots we recommend.
We’ll tell you where to go but we won’t make reservations for you as we know sometimes timing and plans change.
When you check out we’ll ask if there is anything you want to see or want to avoid on your travels. We’ll cater your itinerary around this feedback.
When you check out we’ll ask you to let us know and we’ll avoid restaurants that don’t cater to you on your itinerary. However, at the end of the day we are only as good as the information restaurants provide us, and we cannot provide a guarantee of dietary-specific food at any recommended location.
The itinerary is yours once we send it to you, and any changes or additions you make will be up to you. We do not include revisions to your itinerary.
We guarantee delivery, via email, within one week of purchasing your itinerary.
We can create an itinerary without reservations for you up to 3 months before your trip (however we are not responsible for any business changes). If you would like reservations we recommend booking 2-3 weeks in advance of your trip. We have a 1-week turn-around time but if you are leaving within a week email us and we’ll see what we can do for you.
We try to make our itineraries balanced so you are able to experience everything we think you should see and do, but you’re not spending your life savings. We can’t put a number to our itineraries as each city is different, but if you are trying to stick to a specific budget, note that at check out.
Feel free to book a 15-minute call with us to ask or send us an email.