Recommended Dog Groomers


We asked on Instagram, you answered! Dog Groomer recommendations around Cleveland.

Absolute Pawfection - Brunswick

Awesome Paws Pet Salon (Amy) - Medina and Olmsted Falls

Barktown - Willoughby

Beauty in the Beast - Maple Heights

Boccuti’s Dog Grooming - Olmsted Falls

  • cage-free grooming

CLE Dog Spa Social - Cleveland

  • cage-free grooming

Cuddles Spa - Rocky River (not taking new clients as of 7/25/22)

EarthWise - Avon Lake

Elite K-911 - North Ridgeville

Inn The Doghouse - Lakewood

  • cage-free grooming

  • From a follower, “when they’re done with them the dogs get their own “suite” (their own room with a bed and water bowl).”

Pets General - Lakewood

  • Mariah

  • cage-free grooming

Pretty Coat Junction - Lakewood

Polished Paws Salon & Boutique at Paws by the Lake - Avon Lake

Stay - Cleveland (not taking new clients as of 7/25/22)

25% off Fable Pets dog products
Haley G.

Haley has always loved reviewing locations and being in the know about the best neighborhoods, restaurants, and events in Cleveland. This passion fuels each guide and article she creates for The Cleveland Bucket List. She hopes you enjoy her stories and guides and get inspired to create an adventure of your own!


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