Recommended Prenatal Massage

We asked on Instagram, you answered! Prenatal massage recommendations around Cleveland.

**** the number designates the number of recommendations

Antidote Functional Therapies - Westlake

Sacred Hour Spa - Rocky River and Lakewood (7)

Renee’s Massotherapy - Willoughby

Womb Wellness Center - Solon (2)

Woodhouse Spa - Pinecrest (2)

Yellow Creek Spa - Akron

Quintana’s Dream Spa - Cleveland Heights

Soothe - Rocky River

Raw Esthetics - Lakewood

  • TCBL Recommends!

Haley G.

Haley has always loved reviewing locations and being in the know about the best neighborhoods, restaurants, and events in Cleveland. This passion fuels each guide and article she creates for The Cleveland Bucket List. She hopes you enjoy her stories and guides and get inspired to create an adventure of your own!


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Newborn/Baby Friendly Spots